Our Parish

We are proud to be part of the Parish of Sacred Heart and St Margaret Mary, Aston, which celebrated its Centenary in October 2022 – a wonderful and joyful day that we shall never forget!

Our Parish Priest is Canon Brian McGinley – Fr Brian – and our Parish is part of the Cathedral Deanery.

 The Weekend Masses at Sacred Heart Church are:

Saturday 12.30pm

Sunday 10.15am.

From the parish which celebrated the opening of a new church 100 years ago, predominantly Irish and generous in the building and paying for one of the most beautiful churches you will ever see, the Sacred Heart Parish today reflects a very diverse Catholic population of many languages and backgrounds, set in an area which is less Christian and more of other faith communities.

Our Church is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and St Margaret Mary Alacoque who received visions of the love of the Heart of Jesus.

Our school enjoys a special relationship with the parish. Staff and pupils from school attend weekend Masses and are involved in all aspects of parish life:

Music, reading, Children’s Liturgy of the Word, altar serving.

Whenever we can, our school community celebrates Holyday Masses in Church.

For weekly Mass in school, parishioners are always welcome and we use the West Indian Chaplaincy building and chapel for a Class Mass most weeks.

One of the features of our parish community and our school community is different languages which speak of prayer from our cultures and backgrounds united in one prayer to God.

Sacred Heart School continues to proclaim the love of the Heart of Jesus to the community of Aston and we are joyful in doing so.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you.

St Margaret Mary, Pray for us!


Celebration of the Mass
We are so fortunate that Father Brian comes to school to celebrate whole school and class masses with us.